Everyday really is a new experience. I do not joke when I say that something happens everyday that juts makes me get the giggles or just sometimes I just stop and I'm like..wait what? So this is a story, hopefully it's as funny written down as it was when I experienced it, that just made my whole day. So here's how it starts. My friend Lesley and I decided to go on a run...well I should say we went on a walk and ran sometimes, but that's besides the point. So here we are walking and right in the middle of the road is a huge bull...large horns included. Pretty much, I really don't like these kind of animals whatsoever and all I could think about was that it probably was full of hatred because it was probably just waiting to go to a bull fighting ring...anway, it finally passes and Lesley and I continue running. Then I saw this huge bug, not even kidding it had to be like 6-8 inches and it looked just like a leaf. Turns out those bugs kill cows...kind of ironic considering I juts passed a big ol' discusting cow. Anyway, after Lesley and I got home I saw a little mouse run across the floor right outside of my room. I didn't really think much of it as I've seen tons of mice living in Wyoming. In fact I kind of forgot about it until I walked into my room about a half hour later and it was sitting on my bed looking at me. Not acceptable. I really didn't want to have little mouse feet run across my head while I was sleeping, so I went upstairs to tell my senora about the mouse. Ok..well first I picked up my room a little so she wouldn't see it messy, then I went up to tell her. Her reply was ..."Are you sure Moni?? We've never had a mouse in this house." My thought was...you also told me you've never seen a cucaracha in the bathroom of this house, but I found one of them as well. So she grabbed the cat (who is pregnant right now..they are 100% positive, but I don't really know how they can be so sure), and we brought it into my room. So my senora and I are sitting in my room with the door shut and well.. so is the cat, so I said, "Maybe the mouse went into the other room." I was thinking, ok, we are never going to find it and she will go on believing that a mouse has never entered this house. She starts to move the couch around and looks under the cushions and then she just screams, "Ah! Lo vi! Lo vi!" I was secretly thinking..oh good, now she knows it wasn't a fib. So anyway, we shut the all the doors and put towels under them. Right now the cat is going crazy running around the couch. Bugii comes downstairs to see what's up and Rosio brings a broom to Senora Magda. Rosio doesn't want to watch the mouse die, so I go upstairs to watch the telenovela con ella. We are watching it and enjoying it and then we just hear all this screaming. Senora and Bugii both, so Rosio and I went downstairs to see what was going on. Well the cat had the mouse and was running for the door, but Bugii got scared and didn't open the door so the mouse was once again set free. It was crazy. Screams, the couch cushions everywhere, to broom hitting things, and the cat running around. After about 45 minutes Senora Magda finally caught the mouse between the wall and the broom. I offered to put the mouse in a box but Senora told me that there was no way because the mouse was just too fast. So she grabbed it in a towel and put it outside (it was dead by this time). Rosio was almost in tears, first because the mouse died, and second because she realized that she always kisses the cat on the mouth. It's kind of funny because I guess we just get used to what we see depending on where we grow. I told Rosio mice dont bother me that bad, but the scorpions and cocroaches do. She told me she doesn't mind those at all, but hates seeing mice. So we only got to see 15 minutes of the telenovela and then prayed the rosary together.
We started praying the rosary together everynight for lent. I told them I thought I would start praying the rosary for lent and they thought that was a great idea so we all pray it together. I really enjoy it and am quickly learning the Hail Mary in Spanish. I was pretty pumped when we said it in mass today. :) Speaking of mass, it's so amazing. The church we go to has the little old priest that has to be pushing 90, but has this crazy energy. Like when he walks into the church he throws his hat across the room and just has this crazy energy and loving mind about him. At the end of church he has everybody gather around the alter and sing and pray. It's so wonderful. And then he goes around and shakes every single person's hand. I just love it.
Today we got back from church and there was a woman selling bags, tortilla baskets, placemats, and all kinds of homemade stuff. She was from a long ways away and didn't speak good spanish because she spoke her maternal langauge. It was really hot and she was really red and had her daughter with her. My senora invited her in, gave her water, oranges, sandwiches, and Rosio and Bugii gave her a bunch of their old clothes. It was so incredible to see. I bought a bag because I didn't have clothes to give. The woman then gave my senora a tortilla basket for helping her out. I just really really was an incredible thing to witness. I seriously feel blessed to be staying the family I'm staying with. They are absolutely incredible.
Everyday something happens that just really makes this experience something I can't explain, whether it's a mouse in the house or a woman selling baskets on the streets. I feel humbled everyday.
Monica this was hilarious to read! What a great experience. It's great that you have it all written down to reflect upon later too! LY-Mindy Boudreau